Lost Palms Oasis - Joshua Tree: National Park: Joshua Tree ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Joshua Tree weather forecast.

Lost Palms Oasis

Lost Palms Oasis

12/10/2020: This is a great desert hike. We got a little up and down, but it was moderately easy. We saw what we thought was a Kit Fox (but now I think it was just a regular desert fox – still pretty cool), Gambel's Quail, and a lot of beautiful and divergent desert scenery. Go early and be the first ones on the trail. It’s worth it. If you like desert hiking, do this hike.

Marg’s Notes: To Joshua Tree. Got up early again and headed to Joshua Tree to hike the Lost Palms Oasis Trail. Hit the trail at 8:00. Not too cold in the a.m. A really nice trail. Some changes in ecosystems as we went along. At the beginning we saw some cute foxes! At one point we went off trail to look over a hill. Beautiful! It was 4 miles into the oasis! At the end of the trail, we had to scramble down rocks to get to the oasis. (The sign said not to!) Had a snack and headed out. Ran into some (~8) people on the way out. Going in we saw no one! Campground all closed there! Great last hike! Back to hotel to get ready to leave. Pack.
